What does a grass fed animal do in the winter?

We raise home grown beef, so you don't have to.

Each season brings its own challenges and winter is no exception.

When the power goes out, and the water tank freezes...

When the water tank heating element burns out and the water tank freezes...

When snow drifts block gates and cattle paths…

When the tractor wants to die because the fuel is turning to gel...

When it's 20 below zero, but chores still need to be done...

We take care of it, because it’s our job.

You may not be worrying about these things during winter, but I know you're concerned with where your food comes from. You've probably asked yourself, "what does a grass-fed animal do in winter when there is no grass growing?”

We're closing out a stretch of frigid cold weather, and hopefully rounding the corner toward spring. I thought it would be a good time to give you a peek at what our cattle are up to right now and over the course of the winter.